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RCNA Louise Graham Memorial Club of the Year Award
The Louise Graham Memorial "Club of the Year" Award was established in 1986 in honour of Louis Graham, General Secretary of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association from 1954 until her retirement in 1971. The award is offered annually to an RCNA club that is judged to have made the most significant overall achievements on behalf of its members and the hobby, based on topics at meetings, originality of initiatives, educational and numismatic promotions, coin shows, and consistency of meetings. A panel of judges announces its decision for a specific year at the following RCNA Convention.
The Regina Coin Club has won the Louise Graham Memorial Club of the Year Award four times, in 1987, 1988, 2007, and 2016.

RCNA Jerome H. Remick III Literary Award
The Jerome H. Remick III Literary Award was established in 1995, and its sponsorship continues through a bequest by Mr. Remick, who had been an active member of the RCNA and a well-known author of many numismatic articles. The award is given annually to the author of the best numismatic article published in a local Canadian coin club newsletter during the previous calendar year.
RCC Member Troy Zimmer won the Jerome H. Remick III Literary Award in 2016 for his article, Whiskers and Straight Whiskey: The Commercial Hotel, Maple Creek, SK. A reprint of the article appears in the October/November 2017 Issue of The Canadian Numismatic Journal.
Sixty Years of Numismatic Literacy Excellence
The Regina Coin Club's monthly newsletters have won numerous awards and literary citations over the past six decades, including awards from the American Numismatic Association (Outstanding Local Numismatic Publication), the Canadian Numismatic Association (Best Club Newsletter), and the Numismatic Literary Guild. In 1987 the RCC published Aspects of the Numismatics of North America, (RCC Special Publication #1), which won Book of the Year from the Numismatic Literary Guild. RCC members have published original research work in a variety of numismatic periodicals including the CN Journal, the ANA's The Numismatist, Numismatica Canada (published jointly by the Canadian Association of Token Collectors and the Canadian Numismatic Research Society), the Journal of the Canadian Paper Money Society, and the Canadian Wooden Money Collectors Association's newsletter, TimberTalk. Member articles appearing in the RCC Newsletter are also occasionally picked up for re-publication in other Regional or National Newsletters such as the CN Journal and the Ontario Numismatic Association's monthly bulletin.
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